Mar 11, 2010

The RICHEST men in the world, 2010

Do you know that Bill Gates no longer wears the crown as King of the Richest? He's been dethroned. Forbes have just released their rich list, 2010: No females??? Interesting. I wonder why that is?

10. In tenth place is the man behind the super successful supermarket chain, Aldi. He currently has an estimated $23.5 bn

Karl Albrecht

9. Next on the list is Amancio Ortega. He is worldly known for his high street fashion brand, Zara. Born in 1936 in Spain, this 74 year old mougal earned approx $4.5 bn in the last year alone giving him a whopping total of $25 bn.

Amancio Ortega

8. Having added $16 bn to his fortune in 2009 his bank book of $27 bn now sees Brazilian entrepreneur, Eike Batista in 8th place. The 52 year old studied engineering and now owns business in mining and oil.

Eike Batista

7. At $27.5 bn Bernard Arnault jumped from 16th place to 7th. Born in 1949 this French businessman is the founder, chairman and CEO of luxury goods outfit LVMH which owns over fifty luxury brands including Louis Vuitton, Dior and Fendi.

Bernard Arnault

6. Entrepreneur Lawrence Ellison is the first of three Americans in this years list. His $28 bn has been made from Oracle Cooperation, a major enterprise software company of which he is the founder and the CEO.

Lawrence Ellison

5. Lakshmi Mittal is the UK's wealthiest man. Born in Rajistan he now resides in London. He has super savings of $28.7 bn. made from his company Arcelormittal which is the largest steel maker in the world.

Lakshmi Mittal

4. Indian business tycoon Mukesh Ambani is this year's fourth place with $29 bn. His company Reliance Industries is India's most valuable company. He is also the owner of Mumbai's cricket club.

Mukesh Ambani

3. American Warren Buffet 'the Oracle of Omaha' this year has wealth of $47 bn. This man is obscenely rich and is the world's best known investor. Buffett is also a notable philanthropist, having pledged to give away 85 percent of his fortune to the Gates Foundation.

Warren Buffet

2. The regular to this list mr. Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded with Paul Allen has accumulated wealth of $53 bn. He continues to dedicate much of his time (and money) to the charity he set up with his wife, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, through which the couple have donated billions to worthy causes.

Bill Gates

1. Mexico's Carlos Slim Helu heralds this years title of the Worlds Richest Man at a staggering fortune of $53.5 bn.
The billionaire's family empire controls more than 200 companies, covering the banking, telecoms and construction sectors to name but a few.

Back in the 1990s, he moved quickly to take advantage of the privatization of Mexico's national telephone company - and has never looked back.

According to Forbes, he has donated $65 million to fund a research project in genomic medicine with American billionaire philanthropist Eli Broad.

Carlos Slim Helu

Mar 3, 2010

If money grew on trees

I hear a lot of conversation about money matters and my ears constantly pick up on what people are saying about it. A simple walk through a mall invites a notion that whilst it is true consumers are still spending, there is also hardship. There are many people in the malls without bags in hand. Money this, money that, good investments gone bad, loosing money in property, job loss; no income, debt and although the general moral may be low and reality harsh, the general vibe out there of survival is avid.
During this time of recession, people are having to dig deep into their creativity to find solutions to enable them to keep up with paying the bills. They are looking for a money tree and are happy to cultivate it after all, what have they got to loose? For some that answer is 'everything', and with the idea of loosing everything comes a fight with strength and capabilities many didn't know they had within them.
So my friends, get your focus on your money making ideas, plant your thoughts and let the fruit you bear be abundant.

Feb 28, 2010


Philippe Dauba Pantanacce - Snr Economist, Standard Chartered Bank Dubai

In a recent interview Philippe Dauba Pantanacce stated that the current global recession has hit consumer spending in Dubai. So are the purse strings being tightened? According to the outcome of this years Dubai Shopping festival the shoppers were still out to spend, proving that when the going gets tough, the tough still go shopping.

Pantanacce commented on the 2009 dramatic change in housing due to the collapse in rent. He noted that Dubai is going through the process of stabalisation between contradictory forces. We are now seeing rent in Dubai differentiate area to area whereas before there was a board nominal cost. Rent is now as you would expect to find it within the global hub i.e. areas with better housing, better amenities and a higher standard of finishes command the higher scale rent charge.

Consumers have now migrated into Dubai from the surrounding Emirates, taking advantage of the lower rental costs.

Rent dropping in Dubai is a welcomed change since the salaries have also dropped while the cost of living is on the rise.

Feb 27, 2010


The world is at your fingertips and some clever people have carefully crafted their blogs and/or websites to entertain us, educate us and some of them have become part of our daily routine.

Some blogs can be highly profitable therefore it is now common to find professional bloggers making sitting at their laptops a full time job. It is certainly an attractive idea and many of you will be thinking, yeah I can do that. SO go on. My thoughts to you are simple… if you want to blog just go right ahead and do it. Below are the profiles of some very successful blogs.

1. Boing Boing

“Advertising costs range from $350 to display a small button ad for one week to between $2,000 and $3,000 for the minimum 170,000 impressions on banner ads, all sold exclusively through Federated Media. Frequent posting—the four authors update the site 20 to 40 times each day—drives high traffic to the blog.”

  • Launched: January, 2000
  • Niche: Humor/Cyberculture
  • Revenue: Over $1 million a year
  • Traffic: 22 million pageviews/mth
  • Alexa Rank: 2,180

2. Perez Hilton

“He may also be the hardest-working blogger making fun of show business, with 24 posts on an average day—and as many as 40 on a day with talk of a Britney Spears meltdown. “Advertisers come to me because I get a lot of traffic. I get a lot of traffic because I work hard.”

  • Launched: September, 2004
  • Niche: Celebrity
  • Revenue: Estimated $111,000/mth
  • Traffic: 4 million pageviews/mth
  • Alexa Rank: 929

3. Overheard in New York

“Although Overheard brings in cash, he says, “I’ve always approached it more as a community than a business. I want to make enough so we can invest more to grow. I’m not trying to build a Web 2.0 company that I can sell for millions of dollars.”

  • Launched: July, 2003
  • Niche: Humor/Urban Culture
  • Revenue: Estimated $8,100/mth
  • Traffic: 6 million pageviews/mth
  • Alexa Rank: 30,122

4. Mashable

“Cashmore says it’s the most-trafficked blog on the subject. But he didn’t expect to make a living from it when he began. “The idea that top bloggers would be making large sums was laughable,” Cashmore says. “The folks who held on, however, are doing pretty well these days.”

  • Launched: July, 2005
  • Niche: Technology/Web 2.0
  • Revenue: Estimated $166,000/mth
  • Traffic: 4 million pageviews/mth
  • Alexa Rank: 1,493

5. Go Fug Yourself

“The mechanics are simple: They take celebrity photos from a wire service, add snarky comments about the getups, and click “publish.” The result? Some 3.5 million unique visitors a month, a book coming out in February, and two full-time jobs.”

  • Launched: July, 2004
  • Niche: Celebrity
  • Revenue: Estimated $6,240
  • Traffic: 4 million pageviews/mth
  • Alexa Rank: 14,237

6. I Can Has Cheezburger?

“If you hit a niche and you can build a community, you might not have a $1 million idea, but you might have a $10,000 or a $100,000 idea,” says Nakagawa, who gave up his job as a software developer to play Cheezburger full-time.”

  • Launched: January 2007
  • Niche: Humor
  • Revenue: Estimated $5,600/mth
  • Traffic: 15 million pageviews/mth
  • Alexa Rank: 4,996

Business Weekly report on full time bloggers:


Ok so you want to make a million, save a million and spend a million. You can do it.

I read recently that a million is just a number and you know something? It is. So my take on it is you might as well decide to make 10 million and go for it. Now here’s the thing… you can do it. Why not start your own blog? Build a website? Write an ebook and make video clips and get them onto youtube for your audience that awaits you. Making your money is today easier than ever and how you do it is up to you. However, the secret to having the money other than wanting it is simply this: TAKE ACTION and follow it through. That’s it. That my friend is all you have to do to make your money.

Your brilliant idea is worth gold however if you sit back on it, I can guarantee you that your idea will come and go. How do you think Sir Richard Branson makes his money? or Donald Trump? They both have the guts to get out there and do it. It is the "doing it" that brings the money honey. There are no 2 ways about it. If you really want your million… go out there and get it. It’s waiting for you!

Feb 26, 2010

"Funny Money"

Which type are you>>>?

A. Money Maker

B. Money Taker

C. Money Faker

Well lets break each down, the money maker is the humble worker, the entrepreneur type, the money taker happily lets others take care of them and the money faker is all flash and no cash living life on credit credit credit.

Perhaps you’ve been all 3 types? -I have and after experiencing each I have to say that being the Money Maker is by far the most secure and happy place I’ve been. Self reliant wins hands down!


Welcome to my GOT BANK blog! :)
I am excited to journey with you along the route of blogging. In 2005 I moved to Dubai from Scotland to experience my life in a diverse society and explore my skills as a designer. The architectural projects are spectacular so it has been a privilege to be part of this incredible expanding city. I discovered and learned how to live the life I want in the most amazing 4 and a 1/2 years. I lived the high and low life and would like to share with you my move towards making bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!