Mar 3, 2010

If money grew on trees

I hear a lot of conversation about money matters and my ears constantly pick up on what people are saying about it. A simple walk through a mall invites a notion that whilst it is true consumers are still spending, there is also hardship. There are many people in the malls without bags in hand. Money this, money that, good investments gone bad, loosing money in property, job loss; no income, debt and although the general moral may be low and reality harsh, the general vibe out there of survival is avid.
During this time of recession, people are having to dig deep into their creativity to find solutions to enable them to keep up with paying the bills. They are looking for a money tree and are happy to cultivate it after all, what have they got to loose? For some that answer is 'everything', and with the idea of loosing everything comes a fight with strength and capabilities many didn't know they had within them.
So my friends, get your focus on your money making ideas, plant your thoughts and let the fruit you bear be abundant.

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