Feb 27, 2010


Ok so you want to make a million, save a million and spend a million. You can do it.

I read recently that a million is just a number and you know something? It is. So my take on it is you might as well decide to make 10 million and go for it. Now here’s the thing… you can do it. Why not start your own blog? Build a website? Write an ebook and make video clips and get them onto youtube for your audience that awaits you. Making your money is today easier than ever and how you do it is up to you. However, the secret to having the money other than wanting it is simply this: TAKE ACTION and follow it through. That’s it. That my friend is all you have to do to make your money.

Your brilliant idea is worth gold however if you sit back on it, I can guarantee you that your idea will come and go. How do you think Sir Richard Branson makes his money? or Donald Trump? They both have the guts to get out there and do it. It is the "doing it" that brings the money honey. There are no 2 ways about it. If you really want your million… go out there and get it. It’s waiting for you!

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